Thursday, 24 February 2011

girly weekend

Well its that time of year again...our annual girls' weekend away.
(Actually it was meant to be on 29th April but someone thought that would be a good day for a royal wedding so we had to re-arrange quicksmart, didn't want 10 million foreign tourists cramping our style)
So at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning we're off to catch our train... leaving our other-halves, kids and trojan horses behind!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

trojan horse

Today we made a start on Jodie-pie's homework project.
Actually, I started on the homework project while Jodie ligged out on the sofa watching some annoying American thing.
The homework is to make a trojan horse....and "you can have help" ...which means it's a competition amongst parents to make the biggest, bestest horsey ever. (I know this 'cos I saw what last years parents came up with!)
Yay I thought, this is where the papier mache evening course I did in 1993 finally comes in handy!
Well after cutting my hand to bits on the chicken wire, having all the soggy newspaper fall off everywhere several times and taking all afternoon to not even get the first layer on, my enthusiasm for the stupid bloody thing has diminished.

Monday, 21 February 2011


My sister and her hubby were away on business this weekend so my mum and dad stayed at their house to look after the 3 children and 1 dog.
In a moment of generosity/misplaced enthusiasm/sheer madness on Sunday my mum said we might as well drop our 2 off as well for the night. Yippee!
We shipped them off before she changed her mind and had a super lovely night....went out for tea with no-one nagging us then we went to see The King's Speech ...and then we went to the pub where we won £13.80 in the quiz! Nice one! 
Cheers ma and pa x

Thursday, 17 February 2011

faffing about...

Not making much progress on the old bunny sketchbook I'm afraid. As usual I need an urgent deadline to give me a kick up the backside.
Same story with my work urgent deadlines mean that this week I've spent more time faffing about on the interweb than I have doing any work.
Decided we need to get away at Easter... 
Well, we usually do Centerparcs in April or May so off I went for a nose around their website.... much?! At the prices they think they can charge in school holidays they deserve to be empty.....I mean it's good...but it's not that good! 
So off I went to book a week in Majorca instead... at not very much more money thank you very much!
8 and a half weeks to go...woohooo!!

Monday, 14 February 2011

lots of love going on

Everyone and their mother has a valentine post today so who am I to be different?
My effort started off in my current colours....but let's face it, Valentines Day is all about the pink and the red.
....That's a bottle of pink for me and a bottle of red for my other half :-)

Sunday, 13 February 2011

year of the bunny rabbit

Ooooh! Guess what I bought today from the lovely book shop in Salts Mill?
A new Moleskine cahier....I'm gonna make another sketchbook! This time for me :-)
I've kinda missed doing it.
It's not gonna be dogs and cats this time....
It's gonna be called "the year of the bunny rabbit" and it will be full of bunnies.....and I'll have all year to finish it yay!
Can't promise a year of the dragon next year though....dragons aren't really my cuppa tea...

Monday, 7 February 2011

five a day

The celery dipped in homemade guacamole, the fresh coconut + pomegranate and the juicy plum were all very lovely today....but needed finishing off tonight with a large bar of Green & Blacks and a couple of glasses of rose :-)

....well the chocolate had ginger in it and I'm sure there were some grapes in the I must have had more than my five a day, nice one!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

you are what you eat

Reading about Bev's cancer treatment has made me realise I eat a right load of crap!
She's now on a non cooked vegan diet - which means no chocolate! Ever!
They say you are what you eat and I'm gonna make an effort to cut out the bad stuff. 
So...we ate loads of fruit and veg today.
They also advocate lots of I'm off to bed now....prevention is defo better than a cure....

Saturday, 5 February 2011

bev's big bash

Last night we went to a fundraiser in aid of someone I went to school with. She is currently in Arizona receiving treatment for cancer at The Oasis of Healing.
It was a fab night and Bev joined us via skype on a large screen (not a dry eye to be seen!)
Very tired now 'cos we didn't get to bed till 3am!
Fingers crossed for her xx

Thursday, 3 February 2011

happy new year again

Happy chinese new year! ...It's the year of the bunny rabbit, yay, my fave!

Glad it's new year again, I can restart my new years resolution....failed miserably last time....
so....tomorrow I start saying no to stuff I don't want to + haven't got time to do...