Monday, 18 August 2014

on my jollies.....

I have worked extra-very-bloody-flipping hard this year. I haven't stopped. At all. 
I was dead busy in the run up to Surtex. And I've been dead busy since.
So I'm having a couple of weeks off. In the sun. With my family. Who can't remember what I look like.
Expect some smug photos on Instagram. 

Adios amigos, see you in September! x

Sunday, 10 August 2014

found a minute...

We were meant to be going to Whitby today to see the Red Arrows. But at the last minute our nephew decided he wanted to celebrate his 18th birthday after all. So we had to ditch our plans and go out to stuff our faces instead. Lucky escape as it happens. It has lashed it down all day and it's proper blowing a gale. Standing outside in the horizontal rain waiting for a 20 second fly past isn't my idea of a good laugh. 
It also meant I had another spare minute to use my birds from this week. I found the plants I drew in MATS last year and added them in for good measure, no point wasting them...

Saturday, 9 August 2014

watch the birdie

I've been so busy with proper work lately that I haven't had chance to do any of my own stuff. But I sneaked in a bit of sketchbook time this week and drew birds... I'll do something with day...when I get a minute...

Sunday, 3 August 2014


We have this massive garden. And a distinct lack of interest in gardening. It's not a good combo. I spent 5 hours last weekend just cutting stuff down. It still looks like a jungle. 
But who has the time or the patience for gardening. You chop and prune and get covered in nettle stings and insect bites and it looks good for about 10 minutes...then it all grows back again. Bigger than before.
We need one of those guerilla gardeners to pop by...if anyone knows one...

Friday, 1 August 2014

july 2014

Doesn't time fly when you're having's July in one easy to understand repeat pattern...