I went out on Saturday. Out out! Literally. As in outside. In a beer garden. It was bloody freezing. But so nice to be out with mi mates again.
Monday, 26 April 2021
Friday, 16 April 2021
normal life continues...
Thursday, 15 April 2021
big day out
We had a rather splendid day out yesterday. We took the Jodester back up to Newcastle. (She needed to get back for her household's very first night out in an entire year.)
We hired e-scooters and zipped into Toon where we shopped in actual real life open shops and had takeout food on a park bench in the sunshine.
What a day to be alive!
Sunday, 11 April 2021
online fashion disasters
This is Kitty. Kitty can't wait for the shops to open again tomorrow. She won't have to guess if an outfit's a good idea anymore. She can actually see it in real life. And wear it straight away if she wants to. Happy days.
bank holiday thursday
I worked on Monday and we had bank holiday Thursday instead. We went on a little family jaunt to the seaside. It was blowing a gale and bloody freezing. But soooooo nice to go somewhere out of a 5 mile radius. And we had fish and chips. Outside obvs.
Wednesday, 7 April 2021
lockdown easing is GO
Bozza announced this week that Neil can finally go back to work next Monday. Thank god for that! He has literally only worked one day this year!
I love him to bits. But he needs to bugger off out of the house all day now. Leaving me to work in peace and general tidyness.
Monday, 5 April 2021
wild Monday
Go wild, it's Monday.
Bank holiday Monday actually.
Not here though. I worked instead. Everywhere is always heaving on a bank holiday so I'm gonna have Thursday or Friday off instead and we're going on a family outing. Cos that's sort of allowed now.
Sunday, 4 April 2021
Saturday, 3 April 2021
spring walk
We went for a fabuloso walk today with my sis and our friend Joanne. And assorted kids. We most definitely numbered more than the designated rule of six allowed. But strictly speaking Joanne is in my sister's bubble. All the kids are doing twice weekly covid tests. And I'm completely and utterly over it now.
The sun came out. We went to the ice cream parlour. It felt all Springy. And we loved it.
Friday, 2 April 2021
Thursday, 1 April 2021
lockdown easing...3rd time lucky?
I went out last night. Out out!
We're allowed to meet up to six people in an outdoor setting this week. So Girls Night is back and we all went to sit in Alison's garden. It was great. And also a bit weird to be actually doing stuff again.
Only a couple of weeks till more normalness occurs. I'm not really ready to be manic busy again though. I think I've become institutionalised.
This is what's been occurring on insta 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼