Monday, 18 October 2021

day 12-16

F I N I S H E D!

That's Sally's #autumndraw21 done and dusted.

So now that Autumn's out of the way I'm on the final countdown to getting the hell out of here and heading straight back to summer. Get me to the sunshiney summeryness of a lovely Greek Island please. 

3.5 sleeps to go.... 

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

day 9-11

To summarise:

Sharon and Phil Squirrel had a wedding do.

Angela Beetle was loving Monday.

And Susan Moth was looking pretty perky despite spending all night banging her head on the bathroom window, trying to get inside.

Friday, 8 October 2021

day 7 and 8

Day 7 was Gavin Reindeer, panic knitting his Christmas sweater after seeing all the festive shizz in the shops.

And Day 8 is Cynthia Frog leaping into the weekend.

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

day 6

Today it's birds. These are normal birds on enormous toadstools. Or tiny weeny little birds on normal toadstools.

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

autumndraw21 day 5

This is Lydia bear wearing her new coat.

Inspired by my yoga teacher who treated herself to a very expensive new coat this week. She deserved it though. And it's stuffed with recycled duck feathers. So it's very warm. I might steal it when she's not looking 😏

Monday, 4 October 2021

day 3 and day 4

More illos from Sally's lil challenge... bugs and owl...

Saturday, 2 October 2021


So this month I was avoiding joining in with all the stuff that begins with # and ends in tober. It was a no to #inktober and #peptober and #facetober and #stoptober (is that one smoking? I don't smoke. So I suppose that was ruled out anyway)

I was planning on just an ordinary October where I moaned about the weather at the start of the month, showed off about my holiday in the middle and added some Halloween shit at the end. 

But then my good friend Sally Payne roped me into her October instagram challenge. I figured that as she called it #autumndraw21 and there's no tober in there that it would be ok. Saves me thinking what to draw anyway. Cheers Garth!

Days 1 and 2...

And the prompts if anyone wants to join in...