Saturday, 24 December 2022

christmas eve

Both kids are at home now, yayyyyyyy!

Christmas can begin!

Thursday, 22 December 2022

winter solstice

We made it!!!
Past the deepest darkest winter day!
Shortest day yesterday....daylight, sunshine and summer here we come!

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

ready for Christmas?

Who's ready for Christmas?
Not me.
I spend so long getting irritated about Christmas in September, determined not to be one of "those people" ... then all of a sudden it's Christmas week, the shops are rammed, everything is sold out, the post has gone tits up and I really cba with it any more!
Summer holiday anyone???

Thursday, 15 December 2022

christmas shopping

My shopping this Christmas has been sporadic.
I really can't face doing it all at once (or at all, if I'm honest 🙈)
So I've bought stuff.
But not all the stuff.
And not enough stuff, with a week and a bit to go.
But I did go shopping for a birthday present today for one of those people who doesn't need anything. I bought him a rather splendid plant in a pot that's wearing a pair of glasses. 
So all is well.

Wednesday, 14 December 2022


There was a fox in our garden this morning! It was taking a casual stroll across the grass. Then the dog spotted it and went beserk. So it scarpered. 
Anyway I've looked up the spiritual meaning of spotting a fox in your garden and basically I'm gonna be a millionaire by next year.
So that's nice.

Friday, 9 December 2022

postal strikes

The Royal Mail is on strike today.
Santa's Mail is not.
So don't panic. The big man will still see your demands in time for Christmas.... if you've been good... 👍🏼🎅🏼

Thursday, 8 December 2022

tree shopping

My usual Christmas tree helper, Alf, is still living his best life away at uni. So this year I roped in my favourite nephew to come choose one with me.
As luck would have it he passed his driving test a couple of weeks ago, so he actually came and picked me up!
I had a chauffeur driven tree experience this year.
And all the pine needles are in the back of his car, not mine.

Monday, 5 December 2022

christmas catchup

I forgot I had a blog! 
Well I've only had it 12.5 years so it's no surprise.

Anyway I held off on Christmas till December.
I'll do a little catchup.

November is long gone, cba catching up with that!