Tuesday, 31 December 2013

december 2013

Well that's December just about done and dusted! And the end of 2013!
My mum and dad are having the kids tonight. Me and the other half are off out on the razz! We like a good old New Years Eve knees up!

Here's December in one easy to understand picture...

Saturday, 28 December 2013

festive spirit

It's exhausting being off work. All that socialising and drinking and eating and talking absolute rubbish to various friends, family and general acquaintances! I'm having an enforced night away from it all tonight cos the little one has been on the sofa all day feeling sorry for himself with a temperature and a sad face. But he's looking a bit better now so it's back to it tomorrow... more drinks, friends, food and talking rubbish.
It'll be a relief to get back to work. Next year....

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

merry christmas

Have a good one people!

Saturday, 21 December 2013

shortest day

It is so flipping dark. Like all the time. Get up on a morning - dark. On the way to school - dark. On the way home - dark. Depressing. Makes you tired. Makes you wanna stay in bed. I was sooo happy when they broke up from school yesterday. I was really looking forward to a lie in this morning. 
Of course I didn't bank on the man from Amazon delivering my Christmas shopping at 7.07am. He must've been laughing his head off as he banged on the door as loud as he could. In the dark. Cheers mate.

dotty wren advent

Just posted my last pic on the Dotty Wren advent calendar. It was mucho fun sharing it with the others this year. Go have a nosey here.
Here's my contribution...

Thursday, 19 December 2013

ho ho ho

Jeego have changed their name to PingSome.
Go download the app NOW...then you can send my fab e-card they created to all your mates...cos you know you probably missed the last posting date and you don't want to look crap do you...?

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

christmas shopping

I finally had a day off to do some Christmas shopping.
I'd already got a few bits for the little one so today I got some stuff for the big one. Only now the big one seems to have a lot more than the little one and I'm gonna have to go again to even the piles up. This could go on all week. 
That, my friends, is why I don't start my Christmas shopping in October...

Monday, 16 December 2013

eat, drink and be merry

This weekend I have eaten loads, drunk loads and been VERY merry at lots of different Christmas get-togethers. I'm now feeling very tired and not at all merry at the thought of having to get my arse into gear. It's time for me to face the reality that it's actually Christmas next week and as such I need to do all that stuff I've been putting off. Like buying some prezzies. And writing the cards I got printed in an organised manner weeks ago. And buying some food. And some drinks. So that next week we can all eat and drink ...and be very merry again....

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

print & pattern

Yay the Dotty Wrens are on Print & Pattern today with our advent calendar!
Go have a nosey....

Monday, 9 December 2013

tall skinny tree

Well, I couldn't stand the nagging any longer. We put the tree up yesterday. 
We always used to have a real tree. I love a real tree. I don't like pretend ones. But real trees are fat and three years ago, after 7 years of extreme-tree-mutilation trying to squish it into the available space, we gave in. Bought a faker. Tall and thin. Fits in the available space. We paid a fortune for it in the hope it looked real. But it doesn't. Cos real trees are fat and random. Our tree is tall and skinny and very uniform in shape. No wonder I don't get excited about putting it up any more. Might need to move house next year...

Saturday, 7 December 2013

christmas fair

Tonight it was the little one's School Christmas Fair. Tomorrow is the Church Christmas Fair. On Sunday it's the Cubs' Christmas Fair. 
On Monday we will be skint and our house will be full of tat! Yay!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

christmas tree

The little one came home and said he's the only kid in the whole school who hasn't got his Christmas tree up yet. He's lying of course. Who puts their tree up so flipping early?
Well actually, everyone it would seem. Drive round on a night and the streets are full of flashing lights and enormous trees in windows. What's going on? Trees used to go up the week before Christmas. Not at the start of bloody December (or the end of November like some folks round here! Seriously. A crime against good taste.)
I'm holding out. But I'm not sure how long I can stand the nagging. And moaning. And sad faces... 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

here comes December...

Well that's November over super-fast. Must be getting old 'cos every month goes super-fast these days. I'm still getting over last Christmas...and now it's this Christmas!
Here's November on the blog...

Now... on to December... we're doing an advent calendar on our Dotty Wren blog...fly over here for a nosey...