Saturday, 31 May 2014

ey up!

Yay!! My lovely blog friend Jo Burrows - Bykerlass - has finally got round to producing a range of Yorkshire stuff! After waiting patiently while she brought out ranges in places like Newcastle, Cumbria, Manchester and Liverpool ... and nagging her to death to do good old Yorkshire, she has finally seen sense and the range is out now!
And it's FAB!

She's had loads of people jumping on the bandwagon and copying her idea...but her designs are loads better than the crappy copies.
Hot foot it over to her website and make a purchase...and if she doesn't cover your area can I suggest some subtle nagging? Worked a treat for me!

Monday, 26 May 2014


We were so tight fisted with our giveaway packs at Surtex that I actually came home with some stickers! So to make up for it I'm gonna give away a couple of sets. I know! I'm like so totally generous aren't I? 
Leave me a comment here...or on facebook if you prefer... and I'll get Alf to pull a couple of names out of his hat (Bob) next Sunday.
Bon chance you lucky people, as they say in France ;-)

Saturday, 24 May 2014

i'm back!

Well. New york was LIKE TOTALLY AWESOME! We had the best time ever and just laughed our heads off all week! I'll write a full report when I'm not so bloody knackered. 
I've had massive "holiday blues" today. Even though it wasn't actually a holiday and we've never worked so flipping hard like EVER! It was just so fab and now I'm back to reality and rain and a house that hasn't been cleaned properly for 6 months and a bloke who missed me so much he went to the pub last night and watched Champions League Football tonight. 
Me and the Dotty Wrens are ready to run away and be full time Golden Girls in NYC so that we can hear people say "You girls are sooo cute" every day....would anybody notice?

Thursday, 15 May 2014

big apple here we come

Job done!
I leave in 6 hours.
Better go to bed!
Normal bloggy service will resume in a week.
Apologies for my crapness of late...I'll make up for it soon x

Thursday, 1 May 2014

surtex flyer

Well, there's not much point in doing my usual monthly-blog-by-pictures-round-up for April is there? I was a little absent this month! 
So here's my Surtex flyer instead....just two weeks to go now. I would be getting excited if I had a spare minute to think about it....