Monday, 30 January 2017

chinese new year

Bit late with this but I had a SuperMadBusy weekend. Better late than never though eh? Kung Hei Fat Choi people x

Thursday, 26 January 2017

cooking fatigue

God I'm so booooored of deciding what to cook. And sooooo bored of actually cooking it too. The kids are both fussy but in different ways and they hardly ever like the same meal. There are only so many times in one week you can make chicken fajitas. The other half never gets home till about 8pm so we eat together later. This means that sometimes I end up making 3 different meals. Most of the time actually. And I'm beyond bored of it.
I've already made 2 out of the 3 meals tonight but I have to go to the big one's (last ever) parents evening in a bit. And I can not be arsed cooking for us later. The other half is gonna have to magic up a takeaway on his way home. Or find us a chef. Or whisk me off to a michelin star restaurant. Cos I'm on strike. The kitchen is CLOSED.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

lazy weekend

Does it mean you're getting old when you really enjoy a weekend of doing not-very-much? Or is it just a nice change from being super busy all the time? Thought so...

Thursday, 19 January 2017

early bus

We are in the midst of trying to work out what the chuff the big one is going to do with the rest of her life. We thought we just had to decide what A levels and where. But it turns out that's not good enough nowadays because if you want to do a certain job you apparently have to have a certain degree and you can't just do any old willynilly A levels, you have to choose the subjects that will secure you that coveted place at the. best. uni. Only she hasn't got a clue what she wants to do and therefore no clue what degree she wants to study and as a direct result no clue about her A levels. Or where she's gonna do them. 
We had a meeting with a top bod at her swotty academic school this week and he offered her an unconditional place in the swotty academic 6th form. But to open up her options we went to look round a fabulous 6th form college in Huddersfield on Monday. It was so good it made me want to apply myself. Cos who doesn't need a few extra A levels? 
She loved it. Just 2 downers to dampen our enthusiasm: They don't offer German which she thinks she wants to do. And, more importantly, it would mean us setting off at 7.20am to drive to the bus station so she could get the college bus. I came out in a rash when I heard THAT piece of information!

Monday, 16 January 2017

blue monday

I have it on high authority that today is Blue Monday. It's a 'thing'. 
Well I can tell you something... It's not Blue Monday round here. It's flipping Blue January
I'm alleviating my symptoms by ordering stuff and waiting for them to be delivered. I'm currently awaiting a Ferm Living laundry bag, some Skinny Tan fake tan that's gonna transform my life and a Ted Baker dress.
And I'm popping the Vit D pills like they're smarties. 
I'm yet to report any positive results but remain optimistic.

Friday, 13 January 2017

searching for sunlight

I googled what date it would be when my alarm stops going off in the dark. (6.45am.) (I know this is not super early to lots of people but it is to me.) The result was 20 March. This was bad enough news 'cos that's like ages off. But then I discovered that the clocks go forward a week later so my joy will be short lived and it's actually gonna be mid April before there's any chance of a glimmer of light when I get up.
I'm traumatised.
I've bought some vitamin D.
And I'm still googling holidays. 

Saturday, 7 January 2017

longest week ever

OMG that was a bloody long week. I hate getting up in the dark! HATE it! It's just not right. I don't mind getting back to normality and back to work. But why oh why does it all have to start so flipping early in the morning?!
I've been cheering myself up by googling holidays. Currently focusing on the Caribbean....

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

january bloody january

Bloody January 😩
Bloody alarm clock 😩
Bloody dark 😩

That is all.

Sunday, 1 January 2017

happy new year!

Hope it's a good one!