Thursday, 22 August 2013


Woo I'm up to date with all my work. I'm packed. I'm ready to soon as I get some Euros...and take the dog to my mum's...and get a birthday card for the little one who is having his birthday in Spain this year.....Adios amigos x
Oh...and here's August on my blog. Early. Cos I won't be here on the right date. It's a bit lacking in content I'm afraid. But I won't be doing any bloggery while I'm away. It's a holiday dontchaknow.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

wall art

My Mum and Dad have had a new bathroom put in. My mum was threatening to put a picture on the wall that I did in 1990something. I said I'd do her a new one cos I didn't really want a 20 year old picture sitting there for the world to see. I've moved on a bit since 1990something.
She liked the wall art I did for MATS so I did a version of that. In their 
bathroom colours. But not a bathroom theme. She didn't want a bathroom theme...

Sunday, 18 August 2013


We went to buy school shoes today. 'Cos I'm super organised like that.
And I threw the old ones away on the last day of term so I daren't risk the kids being sent home in September for wearing slippers. Or wellies. Or flip flops.
I was also hoping to pick up a few last minute essential purchases for our jolly holidays next week. I should've known better. I should know that in August when it's sunny and warm - and we're about to go somewhere sunnier and warmer - that all the shops are full of woolly jumpers and winter coats. 'Cos this happens to me every year.
Of course I should really have bought that rather lovely coat I saw. Because when it's freezing cold in November and I go to make a purchase the shops will no doubt be full of bikinis and short shorts...

Saturday, 17 August 2013

maize maze

Yesterday me and my sis and the kids went to the York Maze. It was fab! Me and my sis mostly sat on our arses while the kids ran about like loonies. We got  up briefly to go round the actual maze but we lost the kids after 2 minutes and in the end we had to phone them to rescue us. Yay for modern technology. The big one said that clearly we had no sense of direction and should stand still so that they could find us. Which they did. Nice one!

Thursday, 15 August 2013

weirdy beardy

The other half is going away for the weekend tomorrow. To Switzerland. To stay with his friend DJ-Mark-who-used-to-be-a-DJ-but-isn't-any-more. I've only been to Switzerland once. We nipped over to St Moritz when we were staying at  Lake Como one year (as ya do). It was LOVELY. I'd love to go back. But not this weekend, it's boys only this weekend.
I've got this lumberjack dude on my GTS tote bag...everyone seemed to like him so as a special treat for Lizzie Mackay I've made him into Mr Beardy Swiss Goat Herder. She likes a man with a beard.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


As well as drawing loads of people for my GTS semi final piece I also drew lots of other Autumny things. Like owls. Very Autumn, don't you know, owls. These are owls taken from the owl page of my sketchbook.
I've made them into an owl-y sort of pattern. Just 'cos you know like now I've finished my GTS piece I've got loads of spare time on my hands to just make owl patterns. And everything. 
I'll put my tote bag design on sometime soon. When everyone else does.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

my week....

This week I have been juggling work and kids and school holidays. And drawing people. Lots of people. Cos people were mentioned on the GTS brief number 2. It said people drawings would be very welcome. But I'm not really loving any of my people. I'm not really loving my designs full stop. They are all a bit rubbish! So I'm off to bed. And I will come up with something fabulous tomorrow.
I hope!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

pigeon poo

Is getting poo'd on by a pigeon good luck?
Flipping hope so cos that's what happened to me today. Whilst I was sitting on my own with the dog. In a busy town full of people chilling in the sunshine. I was waiting outside the toy shop for the other half and the kids to come out. And I didn't even notice till I looked over my shoulder and saw it there. On my sweatshirt. Bet the town full of people chilling in the sunshine noticed though. Bet they were all chuckling quietly to themselves at the mad woman with pigeon poo on her shoulder...

Saturday, 3 August 2013

print & pattern kids book

Yay! copy of the new Print & Pattern Kids book arrived today. 
I was proper excited when Marie Perkins, aka Bowie Style, contacted me in January last year to ask if she could feature me in her new book and use my illos from the sketchbook project I did in 2011. It was finally released last week and I'm on page 92.
I also appear on the Mamas and Papas page - 192. I designed the characters and graphics for Rosie and Rex and Jamboree that were put together so well by the lovely Victoria at M&P.
Buy your copy now on Amazon.

Friday, 2 August 2013

global talent search

Woohoo! I am sooo giddy! I made it to the semi finals of the Lilla Rogers Global Talent Search!!! Yay!
Over 1500 people entered and Lilla and her team narrowed it down to 50 yesterday. I had the biggest smile on my face all day.
Actually I'm still smiling.
And I will be all week :-)