Friday, 31 December 2010

last post of the year

Off out tonight, and I'm NOT driving woohoo!
Have a good one everyone, see you next year!

Thursday, 30 December 2010

new obsession

I can't stop doing the sketchbook! I've got really into it (at last)
I even watched The Little Polar Bear with the kids today with my MacBook on my knee!!
Here's pg 14-15.....
Better get the damned thing finished before everyone goes back to work next week ......

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

driving AGAIN

Today we will be mostly very entertaining at Paddy and Cath's house.
But as Paddy and Cath live so far away one of us is gonna have to drive.....the little people are too little and I have never known Neil drive instead of drink in the whole 12 years we have been I guess that's me driving again :-(

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

YES sketchbook

I decided:
I've got to do it... I can do it... and I will do it!
2 weeks to fill the sketchbook?
No problem!
I'll just do it on the computer instead of by hand as planned.
Anyway the hand thing wasn't working out too well. After years of using a computer I have forgotten how to use a pen!
It was getting on my nerves that once you draw something with a pen on paper, that's it, done! And colouring in is such a chore!
So, here I am on my 4th double spread already....only about 28 to go....

Monday, 27 December 2010

triple booked

So today we have to dash straight from pony club to Neil's brothers' where we will be very entertaining for a couple of hours... then drop Neil at the pub for his mates' birthday and dash to my mum and dads' to be very entertaining yet again...

Sunday, 26 December 2010

no sketchbook....

Had a fabbo Christmas!
Very busy right up to Santa's visit and yesterday was just lovely.
But now I find myself in an unusual situation ... the kids are in bed and I don't actually have to do any work!
I can just pick up all the toys and then sit in front of the telly like normal people if I want!!
...Which just made me remember that I signed up for the sketchbook project.......
I was dead giddy when I got my sketchbook, I had the theme "it's raining dogs and cats" and I had all these fab ideas about what I was gonna do. After all, sketchbooks are my absolute favourites, they're my thing!
Then I got really really busy with work and just didn't have the time - or the energy after midnight - to actually do it.
Well, it has to be posted in like 2 weeks and I've only done 2 pages....I'm just thinking it's not gonna there any point in me busting a gut now I actually have a week of sitting about that I could be doing???

Monday, 20 December 2010

shop till you drop with minimum fuss, off I went into Leeds today and did my Christmas shopping. No need to ask everyone what they wanted in October, no need to witter on and panic about "only 67 shopping days till Christmas"
Then I went to Tesco and spent a small fortune on not very much food.
So that's it, no more shopping before Christmas....oh apart from the mother-in-laws' M&S food order I have to collect on Thursday of course....and maybe the odd extra I need to pick up....omg! only 4 shopping days till Christmas!!

Sunday, 19 December 2010

it's a mystery to me!

Great night last night....but not down to the murder mystery aspect of the event which went completely over my head!
The actors were getting all giddy about a chain of 'murders' ...but come on people, who cares about a pretend death by sausage roll when there's food to be eaten and wine to be drunk? I just don't get it!

Saturday, 18 December 2010

and another week...

Been so busy this week I didn't even have time to read blogs never mind write the damned thing! last....I've finished my work and can concentrate on Christmas... yay!

Got a big bash to attend tonight..was really looking forward to it, new frock and everything....then I found out it's a murder mystery! Surely only old people and sad people with nothing better to do go to murder mysteries??? :-(
I'll let you know tomorrow.....

Saturday, 11 December 2010

my week....

A week crammed so full I haven't even had time to blog!
It consisted of:
A work's Christmas bash (fab), a trip to see Hairspray at the Bradford Alhambra (brill), Jodie's pony Club party (dull), My sister's Christmas family do - she's away for Chrimbo (very lovely), work (hectic) an overnight trip to Titanic Spa in Huddersfield organised by my sis as a birthday treat (bloody fantastic), a poorly child (better now after 2 days watching Hannah flipping Montana) a school nativity (cute) and a school fair (bloody awful as usual but wouldn't miss it)...finished off with trimming the tree....
Now got a first birthday party to attend followed by a Christmas meal tomorrow, with Neil's work mates & their families, and a pile of work to do.
I'm knackered!
My New Years Resolution is gonna be "Learn to say no sometimes dear"

Friday, 3 December 2010

party time

Spent all day picking up stuff the kids dropped around the house then entertained them with a good old game of Monopoly! Ooh we know how to have a good time!
Got rid of them now and I'm going out on a Christmas Party that one of my customers kindly invited me it ok to wear Uggs with my party frock?

Thursday, 2 December 2010

ok, enough snow thanks

Ok, the novelty has worn off, I HAVE WORK TO DO!!!
Kids have been off since Tuesday and I've already had the text telling me one of the schools is shut no doubt the other will be :(
Started off ok, had a lovely walk to the garden centre to buy sledges on Tuesday.
Went sledging most of Wednesday.
Very lovely.
But by today the pile of work was too large to ignore and there's only so much you can do after bedtime... So I handed the kids over to Neil who took them to Roundhay Park while I crammed 6 hours work into 3 hours.
Just want to get back to normal now please....

Monday, 29 November 2010

snow....oh no!

Well, the snow has arrived....more predicted for tomorrow....the little people think they're gonna get a day off... there better not be enough to close the schools, I am suddenly inundated with work again!
...shame I was so organised with the Christmas cards...I prefer this design...hey ho too late now...that's why I hate being early with stuff, I always change my mind!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

curry night

Special girls night had to cook.....we upgraded to the Aakash restaurant!
('Cos it's my birthday tomorrow woohoo!)

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

very productive

On Thursday we painted the little man's bedroom....on Friday the bed arrived and was built by Neil ... On Saturday our lovely joiner Stuart (who only came to fix the garage) fitted the wardrobes and on Sunday I spent all day making curtains and cushions and stuff and filling the super organised wardrobes with STUFF.

Been catching up on my work tonight...sewing-with a bottle of beer in front of the telly...vowed not to watch I'm A Celebrity this year but I just can't help myself...

Friday, 19 November 2010

special deliveries

Got not one, but two parcels today!
The first was my Christmas cards from Moo....

And the other was a beautiful silk/cashmere scarf I treated myself to from Isabella Oliver....lurvely!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

girls night

There are 5 of us who've been friends like for ever and always do girls night on a Wednesday - nothing thrilling, usually one of us cooks then we sit around and moan all night and leave at bang on 10 o'clock!
Now we have 10 kids between us it keeps us sane!
I was sooo glad to get out of the house and go last night....the kids had built the train set ...which covered the entire floor of the living room. They were arguing over all the bits and proper screaming at each other....then Neil decided to bring his mountain bike in "to fix" (clearly the freezing cold garage was no good for this job!)
I made a quick exit and hot footed it to Joanne's for veg chilli, chocolate and moaning!
Felt much better!
Of course this morning the train set is still there and so is the bloody bike....but peace has been restored (they're all out!)

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


Worked all lots to bed now....

Monday, 15 November 2010

spring is in the air

Well it might be cold, miserable and wet outside....but in my studio it's spring!
I've had a lovely day doing lovely work :-)

Saturday, 13 November 2010

not as much TO DO

VERY productive week, crossed loads of things off my very long list - including the Christmas card design which I sent to print last night!
Even ordered Alf a new bed - THAT'S been on the list a long time!
Anyway, must dash, got a charity ball to attend tonight dahlings xx

Monday, 8 November 2010

major disappointment

I was sooo looking forward to today....finally finished the womenswear that's been hanging around like a black cloud and I was gonna do LOADS of new spring summer work for my agent.....
Until the bloody wireless router decided to die on me....
2 trips to pc world, 2 different new routers, lots of swearing and roughly 5 hours on the phone stressfully trying to get it sorted and I'm back on line!
What a crap day!
And the weather has been awful!!!!
Oh well....all sorted now....spring summer tomorrow, bed now :-)

Saturday, 6 November 2010

light at the end of the tunnel

Another VERY busy week....but I've finished my accounts (which the accountant has been nagging me for since May!) nearly finished the dreaded women's wear....and finished these for Aaliyah and Alara's christening that we're going to today.....
No I didn't make the bunnies, I'm not that daft! Bought them from muji and customised them!
Gonna get that work finished tomorrow then on to some lovely lovely work for my agent next week....spring summer 2012 here we come woohoo!!

Saturday, 30 October 2010

happy hallloween

uh oh....Halloween tomorrow and I haven't even bought a pumpkin yet.....I'll add it to my list of urgent things to do....

Friday, 29 October 2010

play time

An amazing thing happened today.... I took the little people to a play gym....and they played! And I had a hot chocolato and read Grazia magazine from cover to cover! Nice one!

Thursday, 28 October 2010

bed please

Half term + ton of work = late nights and one knackered mummy.....bed here I come... before midnight woohoo!

Saturday, 23 October 2010


I haven't done any work all day.....because I deserve a day off!!!

Friday, 22 October 2010

domestic goddess

Today I have cleaned the house (not all of it but good effort!), done the ironing and baked cookies with the kids...they were supposed to be heart shaped but kind of grew a bit in the oven and blended together ever so slightly to form one giant cookie....we hacked them up and decorated them and they look fab now!

....and now I am making Jamie Oliver cauliflower cheese soup!
Just putting off the a load of work to do tonight.....

Thursday, 21 October 2010

enough thanks

I've worked and worked and worked and had no life all week and I'm still doing the never ending garment design (women's wear range now arrgghh) and I'm so tired and the kids finished school today for half term and I've had a couple of glasses of rose and I really really can't face starting work now..... Or another glass of rose and bed??

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

STILL very bloomin' busy

Working lots of late nights.....soooo tired.....loads more to do.....more late nights.....busy time of year....zzzzz....gonna be up late again tonight.....

AND I've signed up to the sketchbook project and my sketchbook arrived on Saturday and I'm dying to get started on it but I just haven't had time....

Sunday, 17 October 2010

very busy

My very busy and chaotic week was followed by a very busy and chaotic weekend
....and I still have a TO DO list as long as my arm......

Monday, 11 October 2010

primark bibs

More of my designs spotted whilst shopping.
These were on bibs in Primark.....
This is how they looked when I did them....
*copyright belongs to Primark*

Sunday, 10 October 2010

little friend

Think I'll go with a penguin for this year's Chrimbo card....might add a little friend to go with him though....

Thursday, 7 October 2010

nicking off work...

Feeling very guilty cos I haven't done any work tonight.
It's cos I'm just not enjoying what I'm doing...I feel like one of those people who moans a lot about their job...need to get it out of the way quickly!
Did these instead....
and then I did this to match last night's distraction.....

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

pick up a penguin

Tonight's Chrimbo character ideas....