Tuesday, 31 December 2013

december 2013

Well that's December just about done and dusted! And the end of 2013!
My mum and dad are having the kids tonight. Me and the other half are off out on the razz! We like a good old New Years Eve knees up!

Here's December in one easy to understand picture...

Saturday, 28 December 2013

festive spirit

It's exhausting being off work. All that socialising and drinking and eating and talking absolute rubbish to various friends, family and general acquaintances! I'm having an enforced night away from it all tonight cos the little one has been on the sofa all day feeling sorry for himself with a temperature and a sad face. But he's looking a bit better now so it's back to it tomorrow... more drinks, friends, food and talking rubbish.
It'll be a relief to get back to work. Next year....

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

merry christmas

Have a good one people!

Saturday, 21 December 2013

shortest day

It is so flipping dark. Like all the time. Get up on a morning - dark. On the way to school - dark. On the way home - dark. Depressing. Makes you tired. Makes you wanna stay in bed. I was sooo happy when they broke up from school yesterday. I was really looking forward to a lie in this morning. 
Of course I didn't bank on the man from Amazon delivering my Christmas shopping at 7.07am. He must've been laughing his head off as he banged on the door as loud as he could. In the dark. Cheers mate.

dotty wren advent

Just posted my last pic on the Dotty Wren advent calendar. It was mucho fun sharing it with the others this year. Go have a nosey here.
Here's my contribution...

Thursday, 19 December 2013

ho ho ho

Jeego have changed their name to PingSome.
Go download the app NOW...then you can send my fab e-card they created to all your mates...cos you know you probably missed the last posting date and you don't want to look crap do you...?

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

christmas shopping

I finally had a day off to do some Christmas shopping.
I'd already got a few bits for the little one so today I got some stuff for the big one. Only now the big one seems to have a lot more than the little one and I'm gonna have to go again to even the piles up. This could go on all week. 
That, my friends, is why I don't start my Christmas shopping in October...

Monday, 16 December 2013

eat, drink and be merry

This weekend I have eaten loads, drunk loads and been VERY merry at lots of different Christmas get-togethers. I'm now feeling very tired and not at all merry at the thought of having to get my arse into gear. It's time for me to face the reality that it's actually Christmas next week and as such I need to do all that stuff I've been putting off. Like buying some prezzies. And writing the cards I got printed in an organised manner weeks ago. And buying some food. And some drinks. So that next week we can all eat and drink ...and be very merry again....

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

print & pattern

Yay the Dotty Wrens are on Print & Pattern today with our advent calendar!
Go have a nosey....

Monday, 9 December 2013

tall skinny tree

Well, I couldn't stand the nagging any longer. We put the tree up yesterday. 
We always used to have a real tree. I love a real tree. I don't like pretend ones. But real trees are fat and three years ago, after 7 years of extreme-tree-mutilation trying to squish it into the available space, we gave in. Bought a faker. Tall and thin. Fits in the available space. We paid a fortune for it in the hope it looked real. But it doesn't. Cos real trees are fat and random. Our tree is tall and skinny and very uniform in shape. No wonder I don't get excited about putting it up any more. Might need to move house next year...

Saturday, 7 December 2013

christmas fair

Tonight it was the little one's School Christmas Fair. Tomorrow is the Church Christmas Fair. On Sunday it's the Cubs' Christmas Fair. 
On Monday we will be skint and our house will be full of tat! Yay!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

christmas tree

The little one came home and said he's the only kid in the whole school who hasn't got his Christmas tree up yet. He's lying of course. Who puts their tree up so flipping early?
Well actually, everyone it would seem. Drive round on a night and the streets are full of flashing lights and enormous trees in windows. What's going on? Trees used to go up the week before Christmas. Not at the start of bloody December (or the end of November like some folks round here! Seriously. A crime against good taste.)
I'm holding out. But I'm not sure how long I can stand the nagging. And moaning. And sad faces... 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

here comes December...

Well that's November over super-fast. Must be getting old 'cos every month goes super-fast these days. I'm still getting over last Christmas...and now it's this Christmas!
Here's November on the blog...

Now... on to December... we're doing an advent calendar on our Dotty Wren blog...fly over here for a nosey...

Thursday, 28 November 2013

40 quid jeans

The big one needed new jeans.
It is no longer acceptable for me to order her a nice pair from Boden or Next. Any suggestion of this would be met with incredulous disapproval and a few snorting noises. These days her jeans have to be Topshop.
Which meant that not only did I have to shell out 40 quid on the damned things but also that we had to go shopping in the last week of November. Prime-Christmas-shopping-frenzy-panic time. (Don't get me started on my irritation with people who do their Christmas shopping 3 months early then show off about it in a smug manner on every form of social media!!)
The 40 quid jeans are hanging in her wardrobe now. But I know that this will be their only visit.
From now on she'll store them on her bedroom floor. Screwed up with all her other clothes, clean and not clean. She says she prefers it that way...

Friday, 22 November 2013

Alf draws a picture!

The little one doesn't like drawing. He doesn't like writing. And he cries if you make him colour anything in. So I was a bit amazed when a Christmas pic popped out of his school bag. They must have forced him to do it. It's only the third picture he's ever done. In his life!
I saved him the horror of colouring it in...

Thursday, 21 November 2013

little pink dress

I saw this LOVELY pink sequin dress on ASOS the other week and fell in love with it (I know it sounds YAK but believe me, it was a lovely dress) So knowing I had loads of Christmas bashes to attend I ordered it. In a very organised manner. And of course I threw in a couple of little black numbers on my order. To be on the safe side. In case I decided pink was too....pink...
Anyway, it arrived. It fitted. It looked fabulous. Yay.
I decided to wear it to the first bash on Saturday...the mums of Birkenshaw annual Christmas meal.
Well not so yay actually. Try finding shoes to match a little pink number. In winter. And a bag. And a coat.
I'm ok with black. I have a multitude of black shoes, black bags and black coats.
I have nothing to match pink. And nor do the shops. And I searched ALL the shops. I was happy to arrive at the nude-patent-court-shoe party a little late in the day but couldn't even find any of them that I liked. (Actually I did rather fancy a pair of Manolo's but my budget was stretched and it wasn't happening for 40 quid)
Add to that the stress of finding a bag and having to go out in sub zero temperatures coatless (who owns a winter coat to match bright pink sequins? Not me!) and I was swiftly going off the little pink dress....
Then my mother arrived to put the final nail in the coffin. When I took it out of the bag all the sequins had squished the wrong way. She pulled a face and said that if I sat down I would end up with a bum shaped mark at the back so I would be best standing up all night.
That was the point at which I decided that pink was not for me. I parcelled it up and sent it back.
So....little black dress it is for me on Saturday night. For a change. 
Anyway. Black is the new black dontchaknow dahling.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

christmas card 2013

Nothing like a deadline to spur me into action. I got an email from Moo offering 25% off all printing till midnight tonight so I stopped faffing and rustled up a Christmas card. Just did one design this year. I figure no-one on my list is gonna get together to compare cards so really there's no point in doing loads of different ones.
Here it is...

Monday, 11 November 2013


Suppose I should get my arse into gear and design this year's Christmas card.
Truth is Christmas design isn't really my fave. I find it a bit dull. Same decision every year. Shall we have Santa or a reindeer or a snowman or a penguin? Or how about all four? Radical! Or a bauble? Dull. Blah.
But I never seem to find any cards I like in the shops. Or I like one card in a pack of four and then I have to pick out the chosen people who will receive the good card...and all the people I don't like as much get the crappy ones.
So anyway....I started sketching, hoping to be struck by inspiration. And enthusiasm. Not really happening yet. Same old same old. Here are a couple of pages from my sketchbook...reindeers, snowmen and trees...zzzzz


Spotted by Lizzie whilst mooching around Sainsburys...my little dog characters on all kinds of goodies...
Buy now while stocks last people!

Saturday, 9 November 2013


So the week before last was half term and as I had the kids hanging about all week and couldn't do very much in the way of actual proper work I thought it would be a great idea to paint the living room. Cos I'm full of bright ideas. And I worked out it was like 9 years ago when it got it's major makeover and we haven't done much to it since. Apart from add mucky fingerprints to the wall. And wreck the beige carpet.
Of course once the walls were a lovely shade of bright white the carpet looked even worse than it did before. So we had to buy another. And the blinds at the window were in a right state. So we had to buy more. And Stuart the joiner had to come to shave a bit off the bottom of the doors to make them fit over the carpet. And put the new blinds up 'cos we are incapable of such things. So the little paint job turned into a major overhaul that took 2 flipping weeks.
Anyway....it's just about finished and I was sooo looking forward to sitting on my arse tonight to watch some crap tv surrounded by lovely new living room. 
Till the bloody telly conked out. 
It has died! It's just fuzzy lines. No picture. No sound. So now we need a new flipping telly. 
It was kind of old....one of those tellies that they don't make any more. A telly from a previous era. Practically vintage. But still...it would've been nice to watch it tonight...in my new room...

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

bonfire night

I'm not really a fan of those massive organised bonfires where thousands of people turn up in their wellies and stand about in a cold field. You can't get anywhere near the fire for a kick off. The queue for pie n peas is at least a mile long. The kids demand to spend a small fortune on whatever tat/fairground ride/crap food is available. And the fireworks always start an hour later than advertised.
However.... as the alternative involves having to find a pile of wood to burn, building an actual fire, lighting the damned thing (never easy in November when everything is covered in rain), destroying part of the lawn, cooking your own pie and peas, buying a fifty quid box of fireworks that lasts three and a half minutes and the kids getting bored after ten minutes and going back inside - in their wellies.... tonight we will be going to one of those awful organised bonfires. With the masses. Yay. Can't wait.

Friday, 1 November 2013

that was october..

Well anyone feeling sorry for me not getting to go trick or treating needn't worry. My sister's kids weren't happy at us dumping them. It's rubbish for trick or treaters where they live so they always come with us. So I put the wine back in the fridge, delayed the curry and put my big coat on. Me and my sis had a good old moan-and-walk and her boys went home happy and full of sweets. Life is full of happy endings round here.

Anyway that's October over in the blink of an eye. Here it is in one handy pic...

Thursday, 31 October 2013

trick or treat

I always go trick or treating with the kids. Like ALWAYS. Every year.
Well, you know, I walk round with them, stand at the end of people's drives in the cold and rain and shout thank you when kind people chuck sweets in their buckets. I don't actually dress up and do the thing myself. That's just odd I think. 
But this year the little one's off to a party and the big one wants to trick or treat with her mates. I am redundant! My services are no longer required. I'm on the Halloween scrap heap.
I suppose I will just have to stay at home and chuck sweets in other kids' buckets. And have a glass of wine. And maybe a curry. With the other half. In our warm house. Shame...

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

plan B

So plan B is SORTED. Yay!
And in the style of all those blogs that like to make announcements about announcements....here it is....
I have joined up with three super-fabulous-lovely-and-very-talented birds and we have invented a brand new shiny studio. It's called Dotty Wren Studio and you can have a nosey here.
There's me, Lizzie Mackay, Susan Driscoll and Wendy Kendall and we are very giddy and excited because....drum roll please....we have booked a stand at Surtex in May! Woohoo! New York here we come!!
We got together a couple of weeks ago to sort it out and drank too much wine to actually do anything. But it's ok...it's all sorted now.. new website, new blog, new twitter, new facebook...new new new everything. 
Check us out!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

when the clocks go back...

The clocks went back last night. So today we got an extra hour. Yay. So many things you could do with 1 extra hour. Sixty whole minutes! Woo!
I used mine wisely. It's not often an extra hour comes along free of charge is it? 
So... I slept :-)
I was knackered. Too many late nights meeting lots of deadlines was making me ever so slightly a little bit grumpy. So I just stayed in bed for an extra 60 minutes. I'm in a super good mood now. We should get an extra hour every day I think.
The seaside trip was a success.
Wetsuits were worn and surfboards were used. The little one kept his hat on. Went well with the wetsuit I think....

Friday, 25 October 2013


The big one has gone away for the weekend with her friend. My sister's big one has also gone away for the weekend. So tomorrow me and my sis and the 3 little ones are going on a day trip to Whitby. It's the seaside folks. We live miles away from the seaside so it doesn't happen that often. 
My sister's littlest one decided he wants to take his surf board and his wetsuit. That means all 3 of them want to take their surf boards and wetsuits. In October. Nearly November. 
Could be a bit chilly I think...but who am I to say...

Monday, 21 October 2013

ball thief at local park

Me and my sis and the kids and the dogs went to Oakwell Hall Country Park on Saturday. We go a lot in autumn. And winter. And even Spring. But not summer. We don't go much in summer. It's too busy. Full of people and screaming kids. We like it when it's cold and the softies are all at home having a DVD-duvet-day. We don't have to queue for an ice cream when it's cold. And there are plenty of rustic wooden benches free to park our bums on while the kids jump in the stream.
So there we were on Saturday enjoying the peace and quiet when along comes this dog called Poppy and steals my Minnie's ball! The bloody thing got it in it's mouth and would NOT let go of it. At first the owner was all like "Oh she'll get bored in a minute and put it down".... but after 20 minutes of gentle coaxing it became apparent that Poppy the dog would NOT get bored. Ever.
But the kids were moaning. We needed to move to the next bit of muddy stream. I offered to just swap our ball for theirs but Poppy's ball was clearly some sort of family-heirloom-wonderball because instead the woman said they'd just walk with us! Er hello? We don't need new mates, we came for some peace and quiet! 
So there we were. In the park with no ball to chuck and a hanger-on-er following us about. Ace! If it hadn't been for the big one I think we would've been stuck with them for ever and they would've had to come to live with us. But luckily the big one is dead clever. She told the woman to buy an icecream from the van-with-no-queue for Poppy the dog. Good trick JodiePie! Faced with the choice between ice cream and a tatty old ball the 99 won! We got rid of our new mates, Minnie got her ball back, the kids got an ice cream from the van-with-no-queue and we all lived happily ever after!

Friday, 18 October 2013

this week I....

Crossed lots of jobs off my work to do list.
Met some lovely people I knew I'd get on with.
Got 1 step nearer to Plan B.
Had TWO flat tyres which cost me 300 quid.
And drew Autumn in my sketchbook...

Monday, 14 October 2013

missing under a pile of work

Anyone notice my absence? Bet you thought I went to the pub last Saturday and just stayed there didn't you? Perched on a bar stool drinking Malibu and Pineapple like I thought I was on holiday. Totally tropical.
Well I wasn't.
I made it home from the pub the very same day! I've just been buried under a pile of work ever since. It's that time of year. The time when everyone wants their work doing. URGENTLY please.
Oh and we went to York for the weekend...had a day at the races for the brother-in-law's birthday. In the posh end. Super!

Friday, 4 October 2013

coffee morning ...beer afternoon

Last Saturday I was invited to 3 Macmillan coffee mornings.
I drew some coffee stuff in my sketchbook and was gonna blog about it. But I've had so much work on this week that I never got chance. Seems like old news now so I won't bother. 
But tomorrow there will be none of that coffee malarky. Me and the girls are off to the pub! In the afternoon! Woo!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

there goes September...

October already people!
Here's my September blog summary.
In pictures.
For people who can't be bothered reading. 

Friday, 27 September 2013


Today I am the mother of a teenager! 
I know! It's shocking that I could possibly be old enough!! But 13 years ago today the big one burst into the world. Three weeks earlier than she was meant to. She just made squeaky noises for the first 3 days. Like a supermarket trolley with a dodgy wheel. Then she learned how to cry. A lot. She cried for a whole year. None stop. People would look at me like I was doing it wrong. They would say "Give her to me" in a smug way. After 10 minutes of constant screaming they would hand her back. We discovered that the only time she would shut up was when we put her in one of those battery operated indoor baby swings. On full speed.  One night we were so exhausted that we carried the bloody thing upstairs with her in it and she "slept" in that all night. Fifteen minutes at a time cos that's how long it worked for before you had to press the remote control thingy to start it again. 
She sleeps like a brick these days. Can't get her out of bed some mornings.
But she's still giving us sleepless nights...

Thursday, 26 September 2013


Yay!! I won a giveaway! Woohoo! I am a WINNER!
I won a copy of Ronnie Walter's new book License to Draw!
So when it arrives I will become an expert in the art of licensing. I will be one of those overnight success stories you read about in magazines. (If you have time to read magazines.) You will soon be sick of seeing my designs plastered all over every product you buy. In every shop in the land.

For now you'll just have to make do with my design here...
This is me doing my happy dance.... courtesy of Jeego! New out today, just in time for a celebration! Go download their app and you can get as excited as me!!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Grazia magazine

I have a subscription to Grazia magazine. I haven't managed to actually find time to read it lately but I live in hope so I won't be cancelling it just yet. 
I do, however, have time to play a most exciting game with my sister... Every Tuesday when the postie comes I grab the mag and guess who's on the cover. Then I text my sis. Like this "This week....Jennifer Aniston" She replies with "Cara Delevingne" or "Kate Moss" and I open it to see if either of us is a superstar champion. (TBH it's not very difficult, it's usually one of the above or sometimes Katie Holmes and the odd appearance by Kate Middleton. Or Katie Perry. Anyone called Kate or Katie is pretty much a safe bet.)
BUT for the last 2 weeks Grazia magazine have decided to do a "special exclusive subscribers' cover". Today it was a lipstick print by Giles Deacon!! How the hell are we supposed to flipping guess that?!
Come on Grazia! I'm all for a bit of Giles...but not on the cover ta, you are spoiling our game!! 

Sunday, 22 September 2013


Friday was Jeans for Genes Day at the little one's school. I couldn't help noticing, as I sat in Celebration Assembly, that some of the teachers looked somewhat uncomfortable in their denim. They looked like they only owned a pair of jeans to drag out once a year for Jeans For Genes Day. And they looked like they'd owned the same frumpy pair since 1997.
So this got me thinking (Celebration Assembly is mostly pretty dull). I wear jeans every day. Like every single day of the year. Including Christmas day. (Well not including the 3 warm days we get in summer or on my jollies if I'm somewhere hot, but every other day.)
When I was an arty student I used to look down my nose at people wearing jeans. And now here I am looking down my nose at people who don't!
So I decided. Must try harder. I went out yesterday and made a purchase. A pair of trousers that aren't jeans! 
Radical, I know!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

used to be a robber...?

My friends came round on Friday night. 
I had an hour before they arrived to rush round like a loony and clean the entire house. Not very well you understand. But enough to make them think we don't live in a complete tip all the time (which we clearly do). Mostly I just picked stuff up and threw it in my studio. Then locked the door. Good plan! 
Until Saturday morning that is. When something terrible happened to the lock and I couldn't get in. Bearing in mind that my 'studio' is a bit of a shed-like structure that Betty and Geoff (previous owners) constructed themselves in 1985 it is unsurprising that the lock finally decided to call it a day. It was just traumatic that it decided to do it on the day the ironing pile - and therefore my entire wardrobe - was locked inside!
I had nothing to wear and was meant to be going out with the kids. So I did what any girl would do in these tragic circumstances. I phoned my Dad.
He arrived with his tool box, took the handle off and fiddled a bit. Then scratched his head. And fiddled some more. Verdict: knackered!
Just as I was trying to work out which old and ugly outfit would be least offensive to put on, the other half arrived home from work to save the day. He's not well known for his DIY skills so I didn't think for a minute he would come up trumps in such spectacular fashion. But. He took a wire coat hanger. Bent it in a very accurate looking sort of way. With pliers. And he picked the lock! Like a robber! 2 minutes and I was reunited with my clothes! Nice one darling!
I haven't delved too deep into his past but I suspect that before he met me he may have been a professional robber...

Sunday, 15 September 2013

madam floss

Look what I did with GTS girl....
I printed her onto fabric... gave her some extra pops of colour...
then chopped her out and made her into this for the big one...
Her name is Madam Floss 'cos that's what the mother-in-law calls the big one. Better get on with some proper work now...

Friday, 13 September 2013

one of those mornings...

This morning I:
Sorted the kids' breakfasts.
Made the little one's packed lunch.
Made the other half a sarnie too 'cos I'm kind like that.
Fed the dog.
Packed the big one's cooking ingredients for school. (spag bol - she handed me the list at 7 o'clock last night resulting in a mad dash to Tesco) (That was me doing the mad dash. Not her. She carried on watching icarly)(I hate that programme)
Remembered the little one's buns for Bun Day.
Filled out the form giving the big one permission to have some vaccination or other at school. (Form due back last Monday)
Stuck a tenner in 2 cards for 2 twins who are friends with the big one and whose birthday it is today.
Put all the correct buns/cooking stuff/forms/cards/homework/lunch in the correct piles for the correct kid.
Had a quick shower and made an effort to look half decent. (Failed)
Raced downstairs.
Bang on time to leave the house with the little one.

The little one said "Where's Bob?"
He doesn't have a "hat" any more. He has "Bob". The bloody hat has got a name and it has become an obsessive comfort blanket type thing. Wears it all the time. Even in bed sometimes. He looks like the kid from East is East. It had August off but now it's cold again Bob is back. Only not this morning. 
No Bob. 
After a frantic search I decided the sodding thing must still be at Cubs. 'Cos I didn't pick up from cubs last night. I was doing a trolley dash in Tesco. But really it could be anywhere we just didn't have time to look.
So we had to go to school Bob-less. And of course it was all my fault. Because I didn't have time to look. Never mind that he'd been playing Minecraft for the past half hour while I rushed round like a bloody lunatic. Look for your own hat child!!

Is it too early for wine?

PS.. Thanks for all your kind messages about the end of my dream. I'm coming round a bit. I'm working out Plan B. It will be loads better than Plan A. When I get my head round it....

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

not a winner :-(

Well big thanks to everyone who voted for my tote bag. Much appreciated people. But sadly I didn't make it. The judges said "Thanks but no thanks". 
So my big dream is over. The dream I've had for like the last year. No Lillaland for me folks. I'm off the list! The fact that I've got so much work on at the moment and actually would have had to go without sleep for two weeks to do the final assignment is of no consolation to me. I'm gutted. And I know it was a big dream for the other semi-finalists who didn't make it either. But it was my dream MORE ok!
Unfortunately, thanks to the clever marketing people, everyone who voted is now on the Lilla newsletter list...which means they all got an email about the finalists today. So any hopes I had to just slope off, lie low and forget about it have been scuppered. No hiding for me. I've been getting messages of condolence all day. Cheers for that!

The finalists were announced yesterday when I was in London meeting with lovely new clients. I'd like to say a massive well done to them all, they're all fantastic and I wish them the best of luck...especially my lovely friend Lizzie Mackay who now has to win for both of us!

Soooo...back to the drawing board...now I have to come up with plan B.  
Ideas on a postcard...

Friday, 6 September 2013

holiday...what holiday?

Well we've been back from our hols for 3 and a half days and it feels like we never went away. Apart from the enormous amount of dirty summer clothes sitting there waiting for someone to deal with them of course. (No point, don't need them till next year)
We now have to get out of bed on a morning when it's still practically dark. I've got more work than I can possibly do. It's freezing cold and chucking it down. And I have a list as long as my arm of boring stuff to remember. Like pay for school lunches online before school writes to tell me off. And buy new trousers for Alf's Cub Camp cos the ones he's got look like pedal pushers and the other kids will laugh at him.
Will somebody please transport me back to my spot under the palm tree next to the pool. In the sunshine. Thanks.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

vote dawn machell for a better world

I feel like I'm on a campaign trail! I'm not really one for loads of self promo and I hate being all 'look at me look at me'
BUT...there are loads of fab people on the GTS page with loads of mates getting loads of votes...so...
Look at me look at me!! Vote for me! Do it now! You know it makes sense. I promise a fairer world and peace on earth. Just vote now :-)
Thanks people xx 

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

global talent search semi finals

Hi folks, I'm back! We had a lovely lovely holiday in hot and sunny Spain. I wanted to stay longer. Or forever. But real life forced me to come home...just in time for the voting on the second round of the Lilla Rogers Global Talent Search. Convenient eh?
You may recall that I got down to the final 50 with my journal cover
Round 2 involved designing a tote bag that could be sold at a farmer's market. Based on Autumn activities. You didn't have to include people. Or handwritten wording. But both were mentioned in the brief. So... you know....
My problem wasn't coming up with ideas. It never is. My problem was selecting which marvellous idea to use. Always is. Good at ideas, rubbish at deciding. I got it down to two options. My lovely new mates from the MATS course helped. Well not really. Half liked one, half liked the other. But they tried.
So in the end, after boring myself and everyone else I know to near-death, I went for this one...
Here's the one that nearly made it but didn't...
Not sure now I look at them again if I made the right decision. But too late to be worrying about it. 
Anyway. Voting's open people. Here. Please be a darling and get your lovely self over to vote for me. Just ignore the other fabulous designs. I know... They're ace. But don't let that concern you. You're MY friend not theirs...vote for me :-) 
Thanks soooooo much xxxxx Love you forever xxxxx

Thursday, 22 August 2013


Woo I'm up to date with all my work. I'm packed. I'm ready to go...as soon as I get some Euros...and take the dog to my mum's...and get a birthday card for the little one who is having his birthday in Spain this year.....Adios amigos x
Oh...and here's August on my blog. Early. Cos I won't be here on the right date. It's a bit lacking in content I'm afraid. But I won't be doing any bloggery while I'm away. It's a holiday dontchaknow.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

wall art

My Mum and Dad have had a new bathroom put in. My mum was threatening to put a picture on the wall that I did in 1990something. I said I'd do her a new one cos I didn't really want a 20 year old picture sitting there for the world to see. I've moved on a bit since 1990something.
She liked the wall art I did for MATS so I did a version of that. In their 
bathroom colours. But not a bathroom theme. She didn't want a bathroom theme...