Monday, 26 March 2012

british summer time

I hate it when the clocks go forward. There aren't enough hours in the day to start with without someone nicking one. And when my alarm went off this morning I was still very fast asleep. I just switched it off. Woke up 45 minutes later. 
So that was a rush this morning!


  1. I agree, it takes a while for your body clock to catch up! I was hoping my daughters might start waking up a bit later, but this doesn't seem to have happened!

  2. I'm with you on that one, I found it sooo diifficult to get up this morning. However having the sunshine to go out to has helped. :-)

  3. It makes morning's much harder and yet much sunnier, so it's a toughy!
    Loving your M&P range, by the way, and did you know you won one an award from this lady :

    Sorry if I'm behind the times but I can't see it on your page, though you do post more frequently than me.

    xx Michele
