Saturday 28 April 2012

whistle and stitch

The lovely Sarah Alcock has started a blog. She's the very kind person who sent me a fab angel out of the blue when my Christmas tree was lacking in the topping department.
I now have the little angel hanging on my door handle 'cos the poor thing didn't want to be shoved in the loft for 11.5 months of the year.
(That bit at the bottom that looks like a leg is just the door handle....she's not a one-legged angel. She's a no-legged angel actually. Angels don't need legs. They fly.)

Anyway the blog....go over and have a look, it's called Whistle and Stitch and it's here. Go now. Be a pioneer follower. Like me.


  1. Sweet little angel will go have a peep! x

  2. Am off there now for a looksy...lovin the angel

  3. Looks great ..she has great taste by the looks of those shoes..couldnt leave comments though so please pass on if poss..
