Friday, 17 August 2012

talk talk

I have just spent 2 days with the little one. OMG that kid can talk! He never shuts up!!! And every sentence he utters begins with the word "Mu-uuuum?" to which I have to respond with "Yes dear?" or "What darling?" or "ForGodsSakeWillYouJustShutUpForABloodyMinuteChild?" before he can continue.
The other half has got him today. He has taken him swimming. To give my ears a rest. And enable me to work in daylight hours.


  1. tee hee! Kids eh?
    Lovely wee croc!

  2. Ah yes sounds famillar!! Hope you got something done in your peaceful moment....

  3. Sounds just like my big one. He also constantly asks me questions and never listens to my answer. It drives me mad!!

  4. OMG... it never fails to amaze me how you seem to be living in a parallel universe or rather house... the morning started with " mum-meeeeeee... do farmers play tennis" ? and basically has continued like that... older sister was sleeping in, so no ruddy help at all and now she is up, Im not sure which is worse ...

  5. Lol...By the end of the day I get tired of hearing my own voice answering all of their sweet questions! Love my kids beyond words but am looking forward to them returning to school next are they. Cherish the peaceful times...(and the babble-filled ones too!). This post has taken me 10 mins to write as my 4 yo keeps saying, "wanna see this?...wanna see?..." Gotta your sweet illustrations!
